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OBT - 9v9 [GvG] Tournament - L2Saga [Nemesis x15] 200 Euro Prize

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Dear players! First of all thanks your for choosing to play our server.


Introducing OBT 9v9 [GvG] Tournament!

1. PvP-Tournament Description (Can be edited, check this section occasionally)

Tournament format: GvG 9vs9

Tournament beginning: 28 March - 19:00 GMT +2

Server: OBT - Nemesis x15

Participating: It's free, but you will need to register your self, last day to register on tournament is on 28th March 2021 - 16:00 GMT +2


2. Registration for tournament

Registration for tournament will be available on L2Saga Forum. Registration for tournament will be made by party leaders, where they will fill all the required fields in the form on this topic. Every player must confirm within 24 hours after registering on tournament, if this was ignored, registration will be denied.


3. The scheme of the tournament

  • The tournament will be held in the Double Elimination Format.
  • Groups will be added into a random generator which it will create the matches at a random order.
  • Semi-Finals will be played as Best of 3 - Finals will be played as Best of 5 - The rest will be best of one.

4. The equipment of teams, supplies, and other nuances:

  • Equipment Maximum +6 Enchant for Armor / Weapon and Jewlery
  • Teams are allowed to use Only 1 BIG Epic (Antharas/Valakas/Baium/Beleth) 1 SMALL Epic (Core/Orfen/QueenAnt including Zaken/Freya/Frintezza)
  • The teams are allowed the use of CP potions of both species, the buff potions and other that freely available or in the store.
  • Not available the use of QHP.
  • No Trasnformation of any kind is allowed beside (Divine Transformation)
  • No limits for MP/HP potions or elixirs
  • Teams are limited in the use of Blessed Scroll of Resurrection: 5 scrolls on 1 fight for all team. Scrolls are issued by Party leaders, after which he distributes personally. Scrolls will be given to team directly before the battle. Before summon to the arena holding their Blessed Scroll of Resurrection should be left to the individual warehouse, otherwise the Judges reserve the right to issue a warning to the team.

5. Registration:

  • Reply to this topic by the following instructions:
  • Party Leader Nick:
  • Party Name:

6. Payout for winners:

The Reward for this tournament will be:

  1. 200$ For the 1st group. 
  2. 1000 Donations Coins for the 2nd Group. 
  3. 500 Donation Coins for the 3rd Group.
  4. For all Participants will be Given Colored Name and Accessory of choice 
  • Payout will be made within 3-4 days, after server started, winners will give out small interview (Q/A list will be sent to players personally) + add your PayPal to redeem your reward.
  • Players that where caught using 3rd party softwares wont receive any rewards
  • Players for being rude against other players or staff members, will get their rewards removed.
  • Payment will be denied if at least one member of the group who won one of the prizes, will be accused of RMT.
  • Players need to be players of Live Server to get payed not just play for tournament.


The rules of the tournament:


1. The organization:

1.1 Teams that participating in the tournament must be ready for their fights in 15 minutes before the scheduled time. (For delaying the start of the battle if not the team's readiness, or other reasons, the team will be warned).

Every team is allowed to take 1 x timeout per Fight, this will not last more than 5 minutes

1.2 Every team in the battle has the right to take a time-out duration up to 5 minutes. (no more than one timeout in a one fight). In case a team takes a timeout after the announcement of their bout, but to the venue of fight, the team may make a substitution. If a team takes a timeout directly after a venue of fight, a substitute is not possible, the team will fight in that structure, which was summoned into the arena. If one or more players in the team have problem with entering the server, and during a timeout they were not resolved, the team has the right to start the fight without this \ these players, but team hasn't the right to summon/replace the disconnected player.

1.3 Upon notification by the Judge about the beginning of the battle of one of the teams, they will be moved into the battle arena. At this point, all preparation and replacement must be completed.

2. Step by step guide for battle:

2.1 Every player is allowed to fight for 1 certain team.

2.2 It's not allowed to flame or to use strong language i chat.(the team whose player broke the rules will be warned).

2.3 Every team leader is allowed to have up to 1 players extra. Leader can use 1 swap(or a series of battles if it is the top mesh, or the final). After summon to the arena, replace of players is impossible.

2.4 All members should be joined to their tournament clans. Tournament clans are made by Party Leaders.

2.5 Tournament clan must have a level no higher than 5th, with the established distinction (quite a clan icon, icon Alliance optional)

3. Battle:

3.1 Tournament battle will be made in different locations, team leaders will be let know of their battle by PM or by Announce.

3.2 Before battle will take place, each team will have time to prepare their buffs.

3.3 Battle will begin by text "START", that will appear on screen

3.4 It's not allowed to use exploits.

3.5 It's not allowed to logout or hold the beginning of battle by logging out.

3.6 Summoning players from town and safe zones while in battle is NOT allowed.

3.7 Battle will be counted as finished when any team member is leaving the arena or wont resurect withing 10 seconds

3.8 It's allowed to summon players, if they where under debuff fear and left the pvp zone.

3.9 If during the battle any Team got a technical problems with one or more players(Crush, disconnect), the team needs to bring the fight to the end. Further, depending on the decision of the organizers, the fight can be replayed or not.

3.10 The Battle is lost if all members of the team left the venue of the fight/had been killed and not rise within ten seconds.

3.11 During the battle allowed summon characters who have left the pvp zone under the influence of a spell of type "fear". (Call of sumoner, Warcryer).


4. Warnings and disqualifications:

4.1 In violation of project rules by a Player or Team the Administration reserves the right to disqualify the Team. (The team is responsible for the actions of their players).

4.2 Team using bugs or errors in software code during the battle, is subject to immediate disqualification.

4.3 Once being disqualified, team will be removed from the tournament

4.4 Every team/player can have 2 warnings, on 3rd warning they will be disqualified and removed from tournament.

4.5 When party leader is not giving correct or wrong information about teams, they can be disqualified and removed from tournament (Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility).

4.6 Team that is disturbing the work of tournament admins is booked

4.7 Team that is using not allowed items is booked

4.8 Team that will attack before "START" message on screen. If one of the teams starts the fight early, fight stops, and the team-the offender is booked

Disputed issues are submitted to the organizers. The organisers can take any decision regarding the matter under consideration (up to immediate disqualification of the team).

4.10 In solving particularly difficult issues, with the consent of both parties, the rules can be modified. These adjustments are effective only in solving the issue. The Tournament Organizers reserve the right to make a decision regarding the offenders at its discretion

5. 3rd Party Software [Scripting] on Tournament:

5.1 At every match start the participants should be online at our Discord Server ready to be moved on a Voice Channel. 

5.2 Each team participants should be streaming their full screen and administration will be checking task manager for any suspicious program.

5.3 Once being caught with a 3rd party software the party will be disqualified from the tournament without any warning.

6. Party Setup:

To balance the tournament the parties setup should follow this instructions.

6.1 Judicator Class is not allowed 

6.2 Dominator , Warcryer , Prophet , Eva Saints , Shillen Elder are counted as Enchanter and each team is allowed to have only 1.

6.3 Each team is allowed to have only 2 Bishop's & 2 Tanks at their setup.

6.4 Party Setup is not allowed to change after Start of GvG Tournament


Good Luck!

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