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arent we all bored with playing and facing the same classes every 2 weeks servers?

100% of CPs are MAGES/GLADIS/ARCHERS ..... it pretty much reminds me of Interlude chronicle back in the days which really disappoint me

I really would be happy if there are more mixed CPs and a little bit different gameplay than every other h5 mid-rate server!

* Create Daily Instances + Weekly instances for solo players (HWID per 1 char)
    - Include as drop BEWS / BEAS / mastery codexes / crystal attributes/ and such things (ofc lower chances) or also forgotten scrolls if u think to make them buyable

* Do not ever make mass rewards with items like s84 or things like that (ruining economy)

* Do not include items that are impossible or very hard to be obtained by regular players in Donation shop ( like Olf shirt +10 or Item enchanting above +6) even olf+6 is hard to be obtained by regular enchanting

* Do not push with Hard Freya + make lower chances for vorpals in LOA

* TOTALLY REMOVE AUTO FARM SYSTEM OR DECREASE IT TO 2h MAXIMUM ( 2h are enough for ppl to go pee/shit through the day ) it really ruins the economy and server become full of bots everywhere .... 

If I get something else in mind I will edit this post! 

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11 hours ago, JamesSunderland said:

My suggestion is to make boss drop rate 3x instead of 1x as it seems illogical for a 25x server aswell as to make all skills autolearn till 85.
and to make champion monsters above lvl 75, alot of server restrict it but it doesn't make sense at all.

What u mean u want a boss to drop you 3 valakas , 3 baiums , 3 antharas and 3 top weapons? What's that? 
Forgotten books give to the players more stuff to do. We don't want a server where players just log make a spellhowler and go farm gem dragons till the end of the server.

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9 minutos atrás, =Rean= disse:

What u mean u want a boss to drop you 3 valakas , 3 baiums , 3 antharas and 3 top weapons? What's that? 
Forgotten books give to the players more stuff to do. We don't want a server where players just log make a spellhowler and go farm gem dragons till the end of the server.

No i don't mean Grand Bosses, i mean normal bosses on the server description it only says "Raid Boss: x1"
Man if you want to give players more stuff to do, try to give us something more exciting than "Forgotten books hunt" on a mid rates.
Like other ways to get vorpal/semi-top weapon instead of making 100 chars to make instance all day like a braindead,
Maybe modify some normal map bosses stats/drops so they can daily attract pvp for their drop.
Champioms till level 86 to improve pve difficult (this will even destroy alot of bots)
[I remember a server that had this system, and champion knoriks attracted alot of competition and destroyed tons bots]

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3 hours ago, =Rean= said:

Forgotten books give to the players more stuff to do. We don't want a server where players just log make a spellhowler and go farm gem dragons till the end of the server.

The Autolearn skills until 80 in that case would give the same result but with only a 2-3 days delay. The result is you will eventually find solo/botos/autofarm sph in gem dragons. If that is one of the main concerns, make gem dragons social and capable to see characters with dance of shadows on, and/or boost the paralysis chance/boost cast spd. 

Can't figure out how tedious will be to get the books in x7 drop rate

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On 12/28/2020 at 5:58 PM, Methelena said:

arent we all bored with playing and facing the same classes every 2 weeks servers?

100% of CPs are MAGES/GLADIS/ARCHERS ..... it pretty much reminds me of Interlude chronicle back in the days which really disappoint me

I really would be happy if there are more mixed CPs and a little bit different gameplay than every other h5 mid-rate server!

* Create Daily Instances + Weekly instances for solo players (HWID per 1 char)
    - Include as drop BEWS / BEAS / mastery codexes / crystal attributes/ and such things (ofc lower chances) or also forgotten scrolls if u think to make them buyable

* Do not ever make mass rewards with items like s84 or things like that (ruining economy)

* Do not include items that are impossible or very hard to be obtained by regular players in Donation shop ( like Olf shirt +10 or Item enchanting above +6) even olf+6 is hard to be obtained by regular enchanting

* Do not push with Hard Freya + make lower chances for vorpals in LOA

* TOTALLY REMOVE AUTO FARM SYSTEM OR DECREASE IT TO 2h MAXIMUM ( 2h are enough for ppl to go pee/shit through the day ) it really ruins the economy and server become full of bots everywhere .... 

If I get something else in mind I will edit this post! 

I think those files are pretty much balanced... Some classes are good vs other classes... Some classes are good in farm other in events third in oly... some are good in pvp 1v1. Tyrant is a bit lowered here... Otherwise all classes are good.

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