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Kuba Ach Ylek

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Kuba Ach Ylek last won the day on January 21 2019

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  1. Kuba Ach Ylek

    crit errors with new system

    fix its dressme not working some pages Assertion failed: InPos>=0 [File:..\..\Core\Inc\FFileManagerWindows.h] [Line: 185] History: FArchiveFileReader::Seek <- ULinkerLoad::Seek <- FUnrealfileSummary<< <- LoadSummary <- ULinkerLoad::Load <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Texture Uniform_As.armor_ev_santas_clothes NULL) <- NWndUtil::LoadTexture <- NCObject::LoadTexture <- NCHtmlViewer::RegisterImage <- NCHtmlTable::LoadHtml <- NCHtmlFrame::CreateTableFrame <- NCHtmlFrame::LoadHtml <- NCHtmlTable::CreateFrame <- NCHtmlTable::LoadHtml <- NCHtmlFrame::CreateTableFrame <- NCHtmlFrame::LoadHtml <- NCHtmlTable::CreateFrame <- NCHtmlTable::LoadHtml <- NCHtmlFrame::CreateTableFrame <- NCHtmlFrame::LoadHtml <- NCHtmlTable::CreateFrame <- NCHtmlTable::LoadHtml <- NCHtmlFrame::CreateTableFrame <- NCHtmlFrame::LoadHtml <- NCHtmlTable::CreateFrame <- NCHtmlTable::LoadHtml <- NCHtmlFrame::CreateTableFrame <- NCHtmlFrame::LoadHtml <- NCHtmlViewer::AnalyzeHtml <- NCHtmlViewer::LoadHtmlFormString <- UHtmlHandle::execLoadHtmlFromString <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (NPCDialogWnd Transient.NPCDialogWnd, Function Interface.NPCDialogWnd.OnEvent) <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- ID:3290, param:HTMLString=<html> <head> <body scroll="no"> <title>Dress me</title> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=292 height=358 background="l2ui_ct1.Windows_DF_TooltipBG"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table width=290 height=330> <tr> <td width=270 height=40 align=center valign=top> <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=4 width=270 height=40> <tr> <td FIXWIDTH=40 align=right valign=top> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=32 height=32 background="icon.etc_letter_in_bottle_red_i00"> <tr> <td width=32 align=center valign=top> <img src="icon.panel_2" width="32" height="32"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td FIXWIDTH=170 align=left valign=top> <font color="CC3333">Visual change equip</font> <br1>› Information. </td> <td valign="top" align="center"> <button action="bypass -h user_dressinfo" width=32 height=32 back="L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Gray_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Gray" /> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="center" height=222> <table width=270 height=46> <tr> <td width=270 height=46 align=center valign=top> <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=4 width=270 height=46> <tr> <td FIXWIDTH=40 align=right valign=top> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=32 height=32 background="Uniform_As.armor_ev_santas_clothes"> <tr> <td width=32 align=center valign=top> <img src="l2ui_ch3.multisell_plusicon" width="32" height="32"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td FIXWIDTH=170 align=left valign=top> <font color="99CC00">Christmas Uniform</font> <br1>› <font color=999966>Price:</font> 50 Donation Coin(s). </td> <td valign="top" align="center"> <button action="bypass -h user_dress-armorpage 46" width=32 height=32 back="L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Blue_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Blue" /> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr><tr> <td width=270 height=46 align=center valign=top> <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=4 width=270 height=46> <tr> <td FIXWIDTH=40 align=right valign=top> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=32 height=32 background="Uniform_As.Dark_Kninght"> <tr> <td width=32 align=center valign=top> <img src="l2ui_ch3.multisell_plusicon" width="32" height="32"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td FIXWIDTH=170 align=left valign=top> <font color="99CC00">Dark Knight Uniform</font> <br1>› <font color=999966>Price:</font> 50 Donation Coin(s). </td> <td valign="top" align="center"> <button action="bypass -h user_dress-armorpage 47" width=32 height=32 back="L2U
  2. Kuba Ach Ylek

    Some bug / cmd

    tested over 1000000 hits, the only thing is mental shield decrease time of debuffs (its retail) and at your server after first hit real target go off...
  3. Kuba Ach Ylek

    Some bug / cmd

    from rpg club off files, dont say me its bugged there
  4. Kuba Ach Ylek

    Some bug / cmd

    also fix enable / disable autoloot
  5. Kuba Ach Ylek

    PinkPower is coming

    didas lopas
  6. Kuba Ach Ylek

    Old Bosses New Rules ( PVP + Rewarding Loot )

    ya legit bullshit idea, np 10 rbs with 2h +- respawn and 15bews/beas drop, gl in 1 day they can close server ;D make just custom drop (vesper + vorpal) and respawn 12h +-
  7. Kuba Ach Ylek


    its last hit
  8. Kuba Ach Ylek


    you cant trade weap / armors , you dont see them in trade if items have dressme fix it
  9. Kuba Ach Ylek


    jedině discord https://discord.gg/kXnV6d
  10. Kuba Ach Ylek

    Forgotten Scrolls

    7s and twins also
  11. Kuba Ach Ylek

    PinkPower is coming

    bcs your mom
  12. Kuba Ach Ylek

    Beta instnces

    last saga 1 min tezza , since no crit dmg freya same,...
  13. Kuba Ach Ylek

    PinkPower is coming

  14. Kuba Ach Ylek

    PinkPower is coming

  15. Kuba Ach Ylek


    duchas neverk