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Everything posted by thomas

  1. thomas

    Crash always

    every time the game has a different critical error, why? you cant play like that fix it pls
  2. thomas

    Crash always

    i think its a box problem, if a i have more than 1 client open, crash...
  3. thomas

    Crash always

    OS : Windows7(32) 6.1 (Build: 7601) CPU : GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz @ 1796 MHz 3977MB RAM Video : Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (7654) PosCode : LS1(268) 0:0:0 4/0 [325] General protection fault! History: NCXMLTreeCtrl::OnPaint <- NCVirtualWndMain::DrawChildWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::DrawChildWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::DrawChildWindow <- WM_PAINT <- NCVirtualWndMain::DispatchWndMsg <- NConsoleWnd::ConsolePostRender <- UILoadingState::DrawLoadingScreen <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Texture L2UI_ch3.QuestWnd.QUESTWNDPANEL2 NULL) <- NWndUtil::LoadTexture <- NCObject::LoadTexture <- NCXMLTree::NCXMLTree <- NCXMLTreeCtrl::OnCreate <- NCWnd::SetHandle <- NCWindowBase::RegisterChildWindow <- XMLUIData::Create <- XMLTreeCtrlData::Create <- XMLWindowData::CreateChildRecursively <- XMLWindowData::Create <- XMLDataManager::CreateWindowWithWindowData <- XMLDataManager::CreateWindowsOnCondition <- XMLUIManager::CreateWindowByUIScript <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- ID:2610, param:type=update classID=8857 name=Shadow Item: Sword of Delusion*Sword of Delusion iconName=icon.time_weapon_dual_sword_i00 iconPanel=icon.time_tab iconNameEx1=icon.time_weapon_sword_of_delusion_i00 iconNameEx2=icon.time_weapon_sword_of_delusion_i00 description=This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Swords of Delusion. It cannot be traded, dropped or given other functions. itemType=0 serverID=1194657 itemNum=1 slotBitType=16384 enchanted=0 blessed=0 damaged=0 equipped=1 price=0 reserved=-1 reserved64=0 defaultPrice=0 refineryOp1=0 refineryOp2=0 currentDurability=74 currentPeriod=0 enchantOption1=0 enchantOption2=0 enchantOption3=0 relatedQuestCnt=0 weight=720 materialType=51 weaponType=8 physicalDamage=213 magicalDamage=91 shieldDefense=0 shieldDefenseRate=0 durability=300 crystalType=3 randomDamage=10 critical=8 hitModify=0 attackSpeed=325 mpConsume=0 avoidModify=0 soulshotCount=1 spiritshotCount=1 ItemSubType=1 AttackAttributeType=-2 AttackAttributeValue=0 DefenseAttributeValueFire=0 DefenseAttributeValueWater=0 DefenseAttributeValueWind=0 DefenseAttributeValueEarth=0 DefenseAttributeValueHoly=0 DefenseAttributeValueUnholy=0 IsBRPremium=0 BR_CurrentEnergy=-1 BR_MaxEnergy=-1 Order=7 <- NConsoleWnd::UpdateInventoryItem <- TEXT("InventoryUpdatePacket") <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=InventoryUpdate <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop now this criticl error its new.... on second account
  4. thomas

    Crash always

    now I don't make mistakes anymore but as soon as I get in, I can't move, I don't read chats and I have to crash it
  5. thomas

    crit errors with new system

    with new system i have this problem
  6. thomas

    box max

    to many people this system gives problems
  7. thomas

    crit errors with new system

    me too, i have a critical error
  8. thomas


    i have the same problem, i think its a system problem or l2 script guard, because another server had the same system and i had the same problem, loaing screen with H5 logo and then not responding!