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Everything posted by KurkoVain

  1. KurkoVain

    Some buggy bugs

    Decoy + Real Target: Using a Trickster, if you summon your Decoy and then cast Real Target on it, it bugs like crazy, blocks vision and even causes Critical Errors sometimes. FoG "Tar Beetle": It casts a debuff called "Tar trap" which should only decrease 30% speed, instead it decreases your speed to 30% of its original value. Not to mention that it is present in all of the entrance rooms, instead of teleporting through the rooms casting the debuff like it has always been. It's bassically imposible to enter FoG without confroting this invencible mob. Cancel: Don't really know if it's intended, but it only cancels random song/dances first and then random buffs once you have no s/d left, instead of globally cancel any of the buffs in whichever order.
  2. KurkoVain

    Some buggy bugs

    Yissss why the toxicity tho ? It's not about the servers I played in, it's about the balance... You really telling me that non-global random cancel is okay? Would you like to get Critical Error while in olys because of a bug you can't avoid? Check what you say... because of ppl like you servers can't move forward, can't accept something that you are used to.