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  1. ZaOne

    Beta Tournament - 3v3 - A-Grade [Beyond x25]

    Leader nick: izaOne Group name: Illuminati
  2. ZaOne

    Season #4 : Dominion - Discussion.

    Any idea on limiting the boxing on instances ?
  3. ZaOne

    Season #4 : Dominion - Discussion.

    Hello, just 2 ideas, someone posted them already but had no response. 1) No ancient scrolls !!! 2) “ Last but not least - slow down the economy of the server. Similar to PC points only chars who made some farm points on high level areas can go to instances. This way ppl who just make 20 sos bots and spam instances will have to go farm a bit and wont just switch between characters with 1 gear set and make easy top drops - mid rate weapons and elegias. This will not rectify the multiple boxing for instances but will slow down the avalanche effect and overflow of s84 low and mid items. “ It’s important to limit the entrance at instances with 100 SOS bots, etc. This will slow down the economy and fix the noobs idiotic ideas Get an idea, something more complicated so only main chars to enter.
  4. Hello. How many players are to be expected on this new 25x mid rade starting on 27 ? We are a CP that would like to start here, but know nothing about this project and players around here. thanks